When analyzing roulette outcomes in 2013, I discovered an interesting reoccurring pattern. Ever since, I’ve been observing how 1 of just three roulette numbers link-up as a winning outcome. 

And so, in this exclusive article for 888casino, I’m going to reveal how to play my new roulette strategy where I bet on just 3 numbers.

I call my new roulette strategy: three numbers link-up (Roulette 3NL)

Amazed at how consistent the pattern is, I spent 10 years developing my new roulette strategy. This included gathering extensive data from live roulette outcomes. 

In trying to profit from the pattern, I evaluated Roulette 3NL on many diverse types of live roulette wheels and in lots of different casinos. I modified when and where bets are to be placed. 

Can Betting on Just 3 Roulette Numbers Really Work? 

Roulette 3NL does work. However due to the house edge on roulette (single zero 2.7%) and the randomness of games, I can’t guarantee that it’s a money-making machine. 

No roulette betting system is a magic money tree experience 100% of the time. Your bet selections still rely on random outcomes. But the pattern on Roulette 3NL is real — it does exist.

I can suggest a stop loss and bet again trigger to minimize losses when link-up occurrences are not as frequent. 

I’m not saying I’ve cracked it with my new roulette strategy. Its super advanced in a narrow field within the game for roulette advantage players. And it adds value to the problem of trying to profit from playing roulette games.

Like a lot of roulette betting strategies: increase your wagers when wins are hitting, and the strategy is golden. But remember to go easy when winning occurrences aren’t as frequent. 

Introduction to My New Roulette Strategy – Roulette 3NL

As a roulette player, have you tried loads of roulette strategies – including your own ways to play – yet never really found value in those betting methods? 

Is this because your roulette numbers didn’t hit when you needed them to?

This can lead you getting into the habit of betting on more than 18 numbers. But only because you want to experience your numbers hitting more frequently. Yet the more roulette numbers you bet on, the less likely you’re going to profit from those wagers. 

This is because although the 35 to 1 payout seems generous, when you bet on 18 numbers, you’re only getting roulette payout odds based on 1:1 even-money chances. 

And the more roulette numbers you bet on, there’s a higher probability the stack of chips you’ve got in your bankroll will begin to disappear. Since when you do win, you’re only receiving odds-on payouts:

E.g. Assuming games are played on a single green zero roulette wheel: (37 numbers including zero) You bet on 24 roulette numbers, leaving 13 numbers uncovered. When you win, the casino pays you 35, plus you get to keep the 1 chip you staked on the winning number. 

So, you’ve risked 24 chips to win just 12 (11 plus 1 stake), that is: 

  • Bet selection layout 24 chips.
  • Return 35 chips.
  • Plus 1 chip stake = 36 chips.
  • And so, 36 minus 24 = 12. You’ve placed a 2 to 1 odds-on bet. 

You’re laying out 2 to win 1 on a roulette outcome. On the face of it that’s crazy. I’d rather place a bet on a 2 to 1 odds-on favorite horse, in a race where there are only two to 10 runners. 

Over the long-term, the probability of me winning more times could be higher. Thereby my chances of making a profit by betting on 2 to 1 odds-on horses are higher than if I were to continue placing 2 to 1 odds-on bets on roulette. 

Yes, on roulette, with 24 numbers covered, you’ve just under two thirds of the wheel covered. But outcomes are still random. Whereas a horse is an odds-on favorite because of its form and skill of the jockey. 

As a creator of casino games, I look for a winning edge. Some of these include:

  • The advantage of discovering new reoccurring pattens generated by the formation of random outcomes.
  • Boosting profits using bet size increases on roulette games. 

With “Roulette 3NL” my new roulette strategy, I believe it to be a decent tool when working on the problem of trying to win betting on random outcomes. In this article I intend to prove the following about my new roulette strategy:

I’m going to demonstrate what my three number link-up roulette betting strategy is and how to play it. I will prove two things:

  1. Identifiable patterns involving three numbers do form in random live roulette games.
  2. It’s possible to profit from such occurrences. 

Patterns in Roulette Games (Part 1): How to Play My New Roulette Strategy

Before I get into explaining how the three numbers work in my new roulette strategy, I’ll begin with the basics including the background.

My new roulette strategy can get some getting used to at first. But its rules are easy to follow. The points below are a clear guide to understanding how Roulette 3NL works. 

1. There are nine Significant Roulette Numbers and these are KEY to understanding my new roulette strategy. But you only need to bet on three numbers. And on most games you bet on, those three numbers will change.

2. Look at the LAST THREE roulette outcomes on a scoreboard AND/OR make a note of outcomes as the roulette games progress. It’s important to write down results so you can make link-ups on your notepad. 

3. I bet on my new roulette strategy in a casino recently and noted the following outcomes. 

4. The following outcomes represent typical random outcomes. I played on a land-based casino games terminal which was connected to a live single zero wheel with a croupier.

5. First set of outcomes: 


6. Second set of outcomes: 


7. RULES of Roulette 3NL:

First Rule: Relate any number with; 

  1. repeat of that number 
  2. with the number lower than it AND 
  3. the number higher than it

For instance, if 17, then related numbers are 16 and 18 and the repeat of 17. So, if 17 = 16-17-18

Second Rule: If 0 (zero) then the related numbers are 1 and 36: so, 1-0-36

Third Rule: If you’re playing on Double Zero, American Roulette, then the single zero (0) will relate to 1 and 00 AND when 00 is the number, it relates to 0 and 36. So, 0-1-00 AND 0-00-36

8. So, as in point two above, take note of the LAST THREE ROULETTE OUTCOMES and apply the rules as in point 7. 

E.g., look at the first set of outcomes above: the sixth number from the start, is 30. From 30, we’re only interested in the PREVIOUS THREE OUTCOMES. These are 11-31-22 after which is 30. 

9. When the rules are applied, the last three outcomes and the numbers they relate to = a total of nine numbers. So, from the 30 outcome, we count three outcomes back and consider the relations of those numbers.

We see that 30 links up with 31. The 30 could only link with 29 or 30 (a repeat number) or 31. And we also see that the link-up is x2 previous outcomes back. We’re looking for a x1, x2 or x3 back link-up. 

You get the idea. Though at this stage, I should let you know that although betting all 3 previous numbers and connected relations = x9 numbers, does work at times ... the frequency is too spaced out. You’ll get some outcomes clustering – but not enough to turn any significant profit.

Remember, if you play roulette betting on x9 numbers, you’ve got to win one in four games just to break even. Layout:

  • X1 9 = 9 
  • X2 9s = 18
  • X3 9s = 27
  • X4 9s = 36 

On the First set of outcomes, there’re x12 wins, and 12x36 (including winning stakes) = 432. Versus the total layout over x52 games, 9x52 = 468. You can see the x9 numbers strategy holds its own. It's not too much behind and had been profitable at some stages. 

Also, ordinarily, I only begin betting following a trigger. Thereby overall, I seldom bet the first three outcomes. Therefore, you can deduct at least 27 chips from that 468 which gives us = 441, almost break even. 

If I deduct the x6 games up to the first trigger, that’s -54 fewer chips from 468 = 414, which at the end of the outcomes = 18+. Thus, a small profit. Notwithstanding a lot more profit by only flat betting following a cluster of wins. 

And please look at the second set of outcomes. You can see the results are a lot better, with x8 wins following a trigger. Total outlay following the trigger at 2, is 24x9=216 And the return on x8 wins = 288. So, a 72+ profit. And as in the above example, a lot more if the wagers were increased when wins occurred within the clusters. 

An argument could be made to bet on x9 numbers if you could work out when wins are going to occur within clusters. I almost worked it out, but the randomness of the results was too sporadic to profit from it. 

Because betting on 6 numbers, i.e. any combination, x1 AND x2 back / x1 AND x3 back  / x2 AND x3 back doesn’t work (since you can never know what the most frequent x6 numbers will occur), I’ve slimmed it down to betting on just three numbers. And in a sequential way.

Stick with me. If you like roulette strategies, I know you’re loving this!

3 Numbers in Sequential Order (Part 2): How to Play My New Roulette Strategy

10. To follow the sequential order, when the last link-up was x1 back, you keep betting the x1 back. And x1 back will be the latest previous outcome. If you look back at the first set of outcomes above, the latest previous outcome is 8 and it’s 31 on the second set of outcomes.

E.g., if you’re betting on x1 back, and x3 back occurs, start betting on x3 back. Whatever it changes to then follow it, whether x1, x2 or x3 back.

When you win, there’ll be a link-up i.e. x1 is what you’re betting for, and the result is x1 back. Same with x2 back/x2 back and x3 back/x3 back. 

The only problem is, when any two appear together, i.e. x1 and x3, Or x2 and x3, etc., (any combination involving x1/x2/x3 As you can see in my outcomes did occur on two occasions) you’ll need to choose one of them to continue. 

Or bet on both, which will involve you betting on x6 numbers. Though this is breaking away from my betting on only three numbers rule. 

It’s a tricky dilemma. 

You could also bet on the x back which isn’t showing, but only if you think it’s due. Or you could stop betting and wait for a single sequential link-up to reset – and use this as your trigger to bet again. 

Sometimes too, all three x backs appear, i.e. x1/x2 & x3. When this occurs, I implement a rule that allows me to x9 bet, where I bet on all x backs. Because a narrow cluster of wins could run on.

Also, I do tend to bet on two x backs when they occur, because I think that a streak of wins could be forming within a winning cluster. Sometimes it happens. 

***** [illustration to go here, place the picture of 2 sets of outcomes and my hand written link-ups] *****

How Much Profit is Enough? (Part 3): When to End a Session Playing My New Roulette Strategy

I stop betting on my new roulette strategy when I double my bankroll. But I have won a lot more than double. I try to bet conservatively looking for about 100% profit. But I have won a lot more playing with a smaller bankroll, i.e. betting low stakes. 

The main aim of Roulette 3NL is to increase wagers JUST BEFORE a cluster of wins. AND/OR just before a win is due. 

I try to avoid increasing wagers following each loss, because this could get costly if a win doesn’t occur within a certain number of games in a row. 

But the advantage of only betting on three numbers on roulette games, is that you’ll have x12 attempts at flat betting and will breakeven if you win on your 12TH attempt. If you increase wagers following each loss or every few losses and you get a win within 12 games then you’ll Make Bank.

Following a link-up, I tend to increase my bet size for a limited number of games, about x7 games. If I’m lucky and wins form in clusters I can clean up and make some serious money.

The larger my bankroll, the more careful I am about trying to make a profit.

I’ve followed one of the other two sets, i.e. x1 then x3, or x1 then x2 etc vs. the same set, x3 then x3 etc and a repetition of the same set occurs more frequently. 

I’ve also compared just selecting any three random numbers, e.g. 8-21-34 over X number of games to see how frequently the numbers occur. I have found that any three random numbers could all be cold numbers for more than x100 games. 

And it’s not that common for Roulette 3NL not to link-up within x50 games. It is more common for Roulette 3NL to link-up on average within x20 games. And a lot more frequent when clusters form, i.e. one win on average every 7-12 games.

As I wrote above, I tend to wait it out. When wins haven’t been hitting for many games and/or there hasn’t been any clusters, I get ready to increase my wagers in anticipation of a winning cluster about to form.

Forming Clusters on Roulette 3NL (Part 5): How Frequent Clusters Form on My New Roulette Strategy

Looking at the two sets of outcomes above, you can see that on the First, there’re FOUR wins, but only one cluster, i.e. a follow-on win within seven to 12 games. This is seen in the circled “x1” at outcome 11. Where the x1 back was 10, the previous outcome before the win. 

Compare this to the second set of outcomes, there are two wins following the last x3 back win on 8. These are a win on 10 and win on 11. 

How to Protect Your Bankroll Playing Roulette 3NL (Part 6): Protecting Your Bankroll Using My New Roulette Strategy

Within x100 games at the roulette table, you should be able to see enough link-ups to generate a profit. But the real increase in profits is going to come if you increase wagers when clusters occur. 

The thing to remember is, when link-ups are NOT occurring, you need to stop betting and wait for a TRIGGER (a link-up you haven’t bet on) before starting to bet again. Or decrease your bet sizes significantly to protect your bankroll. 

I reduce the size of my wagers after x10 games with no link-ups, unless – based on the results of previous outcomes – I have a powerful sense that one is due. 

My New Roulette Strategy Betting on Just 3 Numbers – Conclusion 

Yes, it’s daring to bet on only three numbers in roulette. Most roulette betting systems select a lot more numbers. I’m sure you’ll agree that my new roulette strategy, betting on just three numbers, has some merit in the hall of fame of roulette strategies. But the results of random outcomes will determine its viability.

The aim of my new roulette strategy formulates a betting system that takes advantage of the knowledge of the patterns. And knowing (or trying to work out) when to bet and how much to bet. 

Knowing when to bet also means knowing when not to bet. Roulette 3NL is designed to inform you when to stop betting on the three numbers – at the stages when none occur.

The patterns of winning clusters occur in hot and cold waves. We want to be betting on the three number link-up sequential patterns when they’re resulting frequently. 

When they stop occurring for X number of games, my new roulette strategy gives an indication of the cut-off point. We can then stop betting and wait for the trigger to start betting again.

In this article, I believe that in writing about my new roulette strategy “Roulette 3NL” I’ve dispelled the myth that: there are no patterns in randomness – that roulette bettors can profit from – because randomness doesn’t form identifiable patterns. 

Stephen R. Tabone is an English Writer from Great Britain. He is a casino games professional pattern player and outcomes systemiser. He is the Author of Bestselling Baccarat books, ‘The Ultimate Silver Bullet Proof Baccarat Winning Strategy 2.1’ and ‘The Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy 3.0’.

In 2011, Mr. Tabone earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honours in Creative Writing and Philosophy from the University of Greenwich, London. And holds qualifications in Law and in Business.